Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (2024)

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Easy modern flower arrangements! Learn to arrange beautiful spring centrepieces for Easter, Mother’s Day, Weddings, or any party!

Welcome to Spring! The snow isfinally starting to melt in our northern neck of the woods. I may not have any blooms outside yet (PS – I’mso jealous if you do!), but we can still bring some flowers inside to help it feel like spring. This month for our Modern Handmade Home series we are using fresh florals in some beautiful modern flower arrangements!

My immediate thought was “yay!”, followed quickly by “uh oh!”, lol. I enjoy putting flowers in vases, but I had never really tacked down my “arrangement” process. So I kept itvery simple – and recorded a video to show off exactly what I did!

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (2)

*This post was sponsored by Floracraft and may contain affiliate links. When you buy a product through one of my links, I get a commission at no cost to you! For more information, please see my disclosure page.*

How to Make your Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring

To start, I gathered a few vases of different sizes and shapes from my cupboards. Almost all of these were collected from thrift stores – the small one was from Amazon(similar) :)

Using Floral Foam

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (3)

The best way to keep your flowers in the same position after arranging them is by using floral foam. The green floral foam above is a Floracraft Wet Foam Brick.

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (4)

TheWet Foam Brickswill fill slowly absorb water to keep your fresh florals hydrated while it keeps them in place. In my mind, modern flower arrangements often look to be more “free form” arrangements – not over-planned. Having the floral foam in place still allows the flowers to stay secure when I’m moving the vases around, but still lets me feel like my arrangements are free form. Win-win!

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (5)

Once the foam was soaked through with water, I used a utility knife to slice the foam into the correct shapes for my vases.

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (6)

In this picture below you can see how I stuck the stems into the floral foam at angles – even criss-crossing the bottom stems when I wanted them to angle out more :)

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (7)

How to make your own modern flower arrangements

Tall, Skinny Vases

For tall, skinny vases, you can place a small number, or even just one, flower. I have two tall vases, and in one I just put a single classic Gerber Daisy.

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (8)

In the other tall, skinny vase, I placed a single tulip with some Italian ruscus.

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (9)

Other Vase Sizes

To arrange flower in other vase sizes, I usually have two types of greenery. One more substantial piece that makes up sort of the base of my floral arrangements and then another type of greenery that’s more of a filler. In this case the Italian ruscus was the base of my floral arrangements.

To start, you always want to remove the bottom layers of leaves and blooms to make sure that they don’t hit the water line. Once the leaves were gone I put my Italian ruscus into the wet foam at different angles around the edges of the vase.

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (10)

Once the base is in, I like to start using my larger filler flowers and slowly go down in size. In this case that meant putting my tulips in next. If you’re using flowers like tulips that have a softer stem, you may need to guide them into the wet foam a bit more carefully. Remember that once you put a stem in, you can’t take it out again, so play around with the arrangement a little bit before you actually stick it into the wet foam.

Here are the arrangements I came up with!

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (11)
Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (12)
Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (13)

Here are each of the vases after my modern floral arrangements were done!

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (14)

This type of tutorial is always better with visuals! Watch the video below to see how I put my arrangements together! I hope you enjoy the video! One thing I didn’t mention is that you still need to fill your vases with water. So soak the wet floral foam, put your stems in, and then add water to keep everything hydrated :)

Wouldn’t they look beautiful in the background at a wedding shower? Or on the table for a Spring party?

I used mine as Spring Centerpieces for a modern Mother’s Day Tablescape.

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (15)

Now check out the other BEAUTIFUL floral ideas from the Modern Handmade Home bloggers!

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (16)

Top Left to Bottom Right:

Love Create Celebrate
The Sweetest Digs
The Learner Observer
Lemon Thistle
Harlow and Thistle

More Creations from Love Create Celebrate

If you need something to serve at your party, try these delicious Lemon Cheesecakes in Mason Jars!

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (17)

If you’re looking for more beautiful Spring decor, try this 10-Minute Spring Wreath!

Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (18)
Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (19)
Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (21)

Yield: 1

Active Time: 1 hour

Total Time: 1 hour

Difficulty: Easy

Estimated Cost: $10

Easy modern flower arrangements! Learn to arrange beautiful spring centrepieces for Easter, Mother's Day, Weddings, or any party!


  • Vases of different sizes and shapes
  • Simple classic florals including white gerber daisies, white tulips, Italian ruscus and plumosa ferns
  • Full floor craft wet foam brick
  • Container of water


  • Garden Shears


  1. Gather vases of different sizes and shapes
  2. Purchase simple classic florals including white gerber daisies, white tulips, Italian ruscus and plumosa ferns
  3. In tall, skinny vases, you can place a single Gerber Daisy or a single tulip with some Italian ruscus
  4. For other vase sizes, prepare wet foam by placing full floor craft wet foam brick inside a container of water and slowly let the wet foam absorb the water and sink down naturally (1-2 minutes)
  5. Let the foam drip for a few seconds
  6. Cut the foam to fit inside your vases
  7. Place Italian Ruscus as a base into the wet foam at different angles around the edges of the vase.
  8. Place larger filler flowers (in my case, tulips), slowly going down in size
  9. Put some stems from the plumosa fern in underneath the tulips as filler

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Modern Flower Arrangements for Spring (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.